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Mountaineers Books Avalanche Pocket Guide

Avalanche Pocket Guide

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The Mountaineers Books Avalanche Pocket Guide includes quick and visual safety reminders: the 5 As and 2 Cs to consider when evaluating avalanche terrain; the trusty Tremper Terrain-o-Meter; a snowpack stability checklist; a review of snowpack stability tests, low-risk travel ritual; a gear checklist; and an Avalanche Smart Card graphic that pulls it all together. 


  • Field reference guide for avalanche safety
  • Tremper Terrain-o-Meter
  • Snowpack stability checklist
  • Review of snowpack stability tests
  • Avalanche Smart Card graphic
 Author  Bruce Tremper
 Edition/Date Published  Sept. 2014 
 Soft/Hard Cover  Folded laminate
 ISBN #  978-1-59485-719-5


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