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Mountaineers Books Climbing Self Rescue

Climbing Self Rescue

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Because few climbers carry fancy (and expensive) search and rescue gear, all skills taught in this book use the items typically found on a climbing rack: rope, carabiners, slings, and cord. Text, illustrations, and photos explain knots, belaying and hauling systems, rappelling, ascension, passing knots, how to safely assist and rig an injured climber, and more.

Roughly half of the book is devoted to real-life climbing scenarios and solutions ranging from moderate to severe. Because real-life situations rarely unfold as they do in practice, Climbing Self-Rescue: Improvising Solutions For Serious Situations teaches how to analyze and improvise your way out of a crisis.


  • Climbing self-rescue procedures for teams of two -- the most common climbing party size 
  • Techniques equally effective on rock, snow, and ice 
  • Utilizes gear climbers already carry in their rack
  • Includes 40 one-page rescue scenarios and solutions for climbing accident analysis


 Author  Molly Loomis, Andy Tyson
 Edition/Date Published  May 2006
 Soft/Hard Cover  Soft
 ISBN #  978-0-89886-772-5


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